Thursday, June 16, 2011

You pretties!

favorite "get away" by the sea
Favorite Purple Lolly pop
Favorite "the end is just the beginning"
Favorite street? just favorite
favorite garden. I want my own!
favorite planter
Columbine flower , new favorite flower , such special nature creation
Favorite present for my Bday
My favorite Alice in Wonderland Picture
favorite canoe
favorite idea 
 So so so many favorite things, I could go on forever :) till next "You pretties"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


tremendo artista ..... Pedro Leon Zapata...ahh que recuerdos Caracas; tan cultural,artistica, hermosa, caotica,y enriquecedora mi Venezuela de ayer. Donde te fuiste?
 Ciudad  Universitaria. Caracas.
" Los Conductores de Venezuela"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


   I sure want to ride this yellow submarine! to an endless paradise 

      Totally on Beatles mode, thanks to my daddy; an old hippie boy;. One of the greatest master bands on this planet. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

For someone I met once

I have been thinking of someone distance gone today. So on this note is a piece of inspiration I wrote for that someone I met once.  I guess you may call it just passionate "love" , or chemistry "love". Love is something that its created everyday, that love flow. I now come to find out that love is more than just chemistry and passion, and while growing up one reads all those fairy tales, and the prince, and Mr. Ken, blah blah I believe those give false data on what love truly means. Love is pure affinity, reality, communication; therefore, I am love. and yes, I would have.


I could be whatever you would like me to be, As long as I agree.
 I could bring the passionate moon down for you to dance with
and all cosmic stars perhaps to unfold your dreams.
 Would watch over you; your smile;
Hold your hand like lovers do.
 Embark on an endless paradise,
Jamaica, the islands, other planets too;
In search for more, the infinite within you.
 Remember you could be baby,
out of my mind but within me,
 whatever you would like to be.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time Flyes

Time is so relative I know ... but it flies!!. One of my best-est girls is moving away, back to Colombia next week. Catalina. She is such a creative person and I will miss her deeply! She has Diego, he is such an amazing little man, he makes the funniest faces, so serious hehe... 

I went on a flower/plant hunt last week and I totally wanted to buy all i mean ALL , but just bought a few plants for my office and unfortunately, one that I bought for my home was not happy and past away :( no good, but did find the perfect plant for my office and its smells la la lovely! Bromeliads. Exotica and Everlasting. Purfffect for moi!